Institute for Social Banking zve na letní školu pod heslem We Cooperate!
We Cooperate!
Financial solutions to jointly tackle today’s societal challenges
5-10 July, Montabaur, Germany
Learn more about the programme, the methods and whom we invited to speak and/or lead workshops.
The website will be updated regulary.
If you have not applied yet we invite you to do so and be part of this inspiring event to learn, get new insights and network with people from around the world.
Apply here.
We look forward to hearing from you and see you in the beautiful Castle of Montabaur.
This is what former participants say about our Summer School:
„Having had the chance to visit the ISB Summer School several times I can clearly say that this is not only a chance to learn a lot, impulsed by inspiring speakers and with the help of great methods, but especially a unique chance to build networks, connect with people from all over the world and broaden one’s perspective. Some of the relationships I was lucky to build 3 years ago are still vivid and inspiring to me. Of course it’s always up to your own willingness to open up and engage yourself, but it pays off and changes the way you do the things you do, as you wouldn’t expect it as an outcome of a 5-days-event.“
Christa Maier, Austria, participant 2012, 2013 and 2014
„For me, as a student from the Central Europe where there is still only little awareness about social banking, the ISB summer school was a great opportunity how to learn about this more humane way of banking and meet social bankers in casual and friendly environment. As somebody used to a standard Finance university programme, the few days spent at the summer school taught me, above all, that the purpose and functioning of banks and other financial institutions should not be spared of questioning. And that there is an important role for citizens, as opposed to only clients, with regards to the use of our finance. Apart from that, the summer school helped me to shape my future career steps and to build many great friendships with people of various background but common interest.“
Radek Halamka, Czech Republic, participant 2014
„The Summer School is important not only for bankers, for those working in the banks, but it’s more important for us, for consultant, for managers, because we must provide the best advice to clients, suggesting to their business solutions that best fit their inspirations. Is the entire European economy in crisis? then we change the system of deposit money and lend money..
Every business, craft and industrial, must have its own bank account, must make payments and must cover the liquidity risk by investing money in securities. If you advise them to choose the ethical bank, benefits for the community is positive.
The funds can be supplied in the territory, it can help those who are unemployed to open his own business, can be used to finance sustainable activities.
By companies to the community for a better local future. Us, consultants, to advise clients, who become friends over time.
Change is achieved with the commitment of all.
And the first task is training. Our training.“
Patrizia Quattrone, Italy, participant 2010 + 2014
„The ISB Summer School really helped me to understand the interconnectedness between the role of finance and the type of society I live in. It taught me to question what I expect from my money and the roll that banks can play in achieving a fairer and more environmental sustainable society.“
Pauline Hinchion, Scotland, participant 2014